About Me

Tucson, Arizona, United States

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Butts and buts

People tend to find reasons not to do things; their lives are full of 'BUTS'. I would like to have done this or that, BUT... I say get off your buts and do it. Success is not determined by the end result but rather by whether or not you pushed your fear of failure aside and jumped in and gave it all you got. The end result of your efforts could be what you had hoped for or something completely unrealized, regardless, you are a success if you tried (something most people don't do or put off) . Some people are too intimidated by the possibility of failure and the opinions of others to venture very far from their comfort zone...these are more 'buts'. Speaking of BUTTS, nothing makes them look more flattering or draws more attention than a pair of jeans.

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